尾声 海盗末日(一七二○~一七三二年)(第11/11页)

[44] David Syrett (ed.),Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815,London:Navy Records Society,1994,p. 614;Hardy,p. 44;David Lyon,The Sailing Navy List,London:Conway,1993,p. 50.

[45] Robert E. Lee,Blackbeard the Pirate:A Reappraisal of His Life and Times,Winston-Salem,NC:John F. Blair,1974,pp. 63-65.

[46] James Grant Wilson and James Fiske,Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography,Vol. V,New York:D. Appleton & Co.,1888,pp. 635-636;R. A. Brock (ed),The Official Letters of Alexander Spottswood,Vol. I,Richmond,VA:Virginia Historical Society,1882,pp. xii-xvi.

[47] “London News Item,” London Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer,31 August 1717,p. 321;Minutes of the Commissioners for the Trade and Plantations,London:6 June 1721 as appears in Kenneth J. Kinkor,“The Whydah Sourcebook,” unpublished document,Provincetown:Whydah Museum,Provincetown,MA:2003,p. 266;Sir James Balfour,ed.,The Scots Peerage,Vol. IV,Edinburgh:David Douglas,1907,p. 7.

[48] Woodes Rogers Appeal to the King.

[49] Arne Bialuschewski,“Daniel Defoe,Nathaniel Mist,and the General History of the Pyrates,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America,Vol. 98 (2004),pp. 21-38;Advertisement for the General History,American Weekly Mercury,29 December 1724,p. 2.

[50] “Rogers Appeal to the King,” 1726;Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 202,208.

[51] Hogarth,Woodes Rogers and his Family,1729.

[52] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,pp. 210-222.

[53] Bryan Little,Crusoe’s Captain,London:Odham’s Press,1960,p. 210n.