序言 海盗的黄金年代(第5/5页)

[4] Benjamin Bennett to the Council of Trade and Plantations,Bermuda:31 May 1718 in CSPCS 1717-1718,No. 551,p. 261.

[5] Author’s Interview,Kenneth J. Kinkor,Provincetown,MA:15 June 2005.

[6] Walter Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations,Antigua:15 May 1717 in CSPCS 1716-1717:Cecil Headlam,ed.,Calendar of State PapersColonial SeriesAmerica and the West IndiesJanuary 1716 to July 1717(Vol.29),London:His Majesty’s Stationary Office,1930.,No. 568,p. 300.

[7] Alexander Spotswood to Lord Carteret,Williamsburg,VA:14 February 1719 in R. A. Brock (ed),The Official Letters of Alexander Spottswood,Vol. I,Richmond,VA:Virginia Historical Society,1882,p. 274.

[8] 几个世代前,曾有学者与图书馆员出于好意,宣称该书作者是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defoe),其后经由讨论,认为应该不是。

[9] 大部分天主教国家在一五八二年采用格里高利历,两套系统相差十天。一七○○年时,差距扩大为十一天,直到一七五二年,英国才终于改采用新历。

[10] 在当时的文献中,这个人的名字也拼成“Every”或“Evarie”。